Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Do you even Kanban bro?

I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I have a TON of unpainted minis.

The problem I have is I don't hobby on a regular basis but I buy new minis like my life depends on it. Even when I'm actively hobbying I rarely complete projects as I get distracted too easily.

This leads to two very undesirable outcomes:

1. I don't game nearly enough as I dislike playing with grey plastic; and
2. I get demotivated by my lack of progress and rage quit

One very handy tool I've found recently is Kanban board. This is a scheduling tool that can help you organise and manage competing projects.

It was originally devised and used in the automotive industry but can easily be applied to painting your man dolls. I jumped on the Kanban bus after listening to the guys over at the Independent Character Podcast. They have done a short tutorial which I have linked here. This would be a good place to start if you are interested in trying out this tool.

My Kanban Board

Above you can see my Kanban board as of today.

One thing I really like about this tool is that it is very visual and allows me to see at a glance what my current projects are and how far they are from being completed.

I have minis from a variety of different gaming systems which I keep track by colour coding each one. There are loads of functionality such as setting due dates, setting sub-tasks etc. which you can try out to further improve your productivity.

My board only includes what I consider my "current" tasks. Which as you can see is pretty big already. The scary thing is that this is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of my mini collection.

I thought I'll bring this to the community's attention as it is certainly a fantastic tool which is no more complicated to operate than an excel spreadsheet.

This also provides a preview of what you can expect to see on this blog in the near future.

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